Chile Travel Advice Show

Chile, almost as long as the U.S. is wide, averaging about 125 miles wide, offering, literally, something for everyone, and one of the world’s most unique countries, is discussed by Martha Tavera of Marnella Tours,, Chris, and Jerry. Learn little-and well-known facts, including the English-settled north, Atacama Desert, wine, Skorpios II glacier cruise, Robinson Crusoe and Easter Islands, skiing some of the world’s most famous areas, spectacular mountain and lake regions, fly-cruise Antarctica, and Patagonia, including one of the world’s must-see Tierra del Fuego. No minimum length vacation suggestion is given because it would require weeks to see and do it all, but suggested lengths of time to stay is given for each region. Chile, one of the world’s most exciting countries, is a show you will want to listen to for a vacation you will never forget.